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More information on the official website. Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is incredibly great and advanced, and indescribable excitement will be transferred to the gamer while playing.

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After all, it’s time for its graphics, which can only be described as admirable, the destructibility of the environment is very high, and the blood that is scattered on the monitor screen due to a shot has become very natural and professional. Following these events, the Delta Force group, in collaboration with members of the French GIGN, arrested him But the intensity of the clashes causes the Eiffel Tower in Paris to collapse. These attacks disrupt networked communications across Europe, allowing Russia to occupy large parts of Europe, while the United States sends troops to fight.įollowing these events, the Price Group receives an order to be sent to Somalia, where it obtains clues from a bomb maker named “Volk”. Vorshevsky resists in providing codes for launching atomic bombs, and uses Makarov’s weakness: hostage-taking of the president’s daughter, Alena He has moved chemical bombs from Sierra Leone to Europe to ensure the success of his plans, and despite many efforts by security groups such as the SAS to prevent these incidents, the bombs are being activated.

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He believes that full control of the European continent should fall into the hands of Russia, which is possible only with show of force using nuclear weapons. Makarov then explains his plans for Russia’s future to Boris Vorshevsky. In the middle of this sudden attack, members of the F.S.O security group, trying to protect the president, try to put him on a helicopter and get away from the scene But the operation was not successful and Makarov forces killed them. This is to prevent peace between Russia and the United States.

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Two months later, Makarov attacked a plane in Hamburg, Germany, carrying Russian President Boris Vorshevsky. Meanwhile, the war between Russia and the United States is advancing in favor of the United States through the efforts of one of the Delta Force groups, and American forces succeed in driving the Russians out of New York. Captain Price and a wounded Captain MacTavish are fleeing with Russian spy Nikolai. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 follows the story of its predecessor, and a large part of the story is about the United States’s struggle with Russia, US ground forces are fighting Russian forces on American soil.

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare game series is one of the most popular games in its genre, which according to many is also the most unrivaled game of this generation. Fans who unite their souls and bodies and experience their favorite games with as much love as possible. Today, action and exciting games have been able to attract many fans. Undoubtedly, Infinity Ward is one of the activists in the field of action and shooter style games.

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Free Download Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Cracked and Crack Only The following text may have been translated by Google Translator It was released in conjunction with two other Call of Duty games: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Mobilized for the Nintendo DS, and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Reflex, a port of Call of Duty 4 adapted by Treyarch for the Wii console. It is the sixth installment of the Call of Duty series and the direct sequel to Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, continuing the same storyline. The Xbox 360 version was made backward compatible for the Xbox One in 2018. A version for OS X was developed by Aspyr and released on May 20, 2014.

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It was released worldwide on Novemfor Microsoft Windows, the PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 + All DLCs + Crack Only … Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is a first-person shooter video game developed by Infinity Ward and published by Activision.

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